KKL Journey

The Journey of the Kannada Koota Luxembourg Asbl (KKL) Non-Profit Association.

A group of twelve passionate individuals gathered, bound by a shared dream – to form a Kannada Koota Luxembourg Asbl (KKL) non-profit association. Little did they know that this initial conversation on 22nd February 2022, which had originally centered around finding out a sports facilities for playing a cricket and organising Holi in a smaller WhatsApp group, would transform into a thriving, impactful organization that would shape the lives of Kannada speakers in the community over the course of just 18 months.

A Serendipitous Gathering

The story of the KKL Non-Profit Association begins with a serendipitous gathering. A group of enthusiasts had been contemplating the idea of forming a community organization for some time. They were aware of the vibrant Kannada-speaking population in Luxembourg, yet there was a glaring absence of a platform that could foster cultural connections and make a positive impact.

With this vision in mind, this dedicated group of enthusiasts, in a smaller WhatsApp group, invited a small group of friends to meet at Hesper Park one sunny weekend (March 13th 2022). What started as a casual get-together but quickly evolved into a robust discussion about their shared identity and the potential to make a difference in the community.

Laying the Foundation

The initial conversation in the smaller WhatsApp group and at Hesper Park was both inspiring and enlightening. As they discussed organizing a sports activities, they realized there was a broader opportunity to create an organization that could fulfill multiple community needs. They identified common goals: preserving Kannada language and culture, supporting community members, and engaging in philanthropic activities. The twelve dedicated founding members decided to formalize their group and begin the
process of establishing a non-profit association. These founders include (in alphabetical order) :

1. Bhavani Shankar
2. Hitesh Chidgal
3. Karthik Ramamurthy
4. Manjunatha Prasad
5. Niranjan Vishwamurthy
6. Narasimha Hebbar
7. Prashanth Alavandi
8. Prabhu Srinivas
9. Ramesh Panduranga
10. Shashi Balaram
11. Vijay Nagaraj
12. Vinayak Bhat

Over the next few weeks, they painstakingly laid the foundation for KKL. This involved legal paperwork, defining the organization’s mission and objectives, and reaching out to the broader Kannada community for support. The response was overwhelming, with numerous individuals eager to contribute their time and resources.

18 Months of Success and Growth

The first year of KKL’s existence was marked by rapid success and incredible growth. Here are some key milestones that the organization achieved:

1. Community Outreach: KKL organized numerous cultural events, and gatherings to bring the community together. This strengthened the bonds among Kannada
speakers and helped preserve the rich heritage.

2. Networking and Collaborations: The organization reached out to other non-profits, both locally and internationally, to create a network that would amplify the
impact. Collaborations with other Kannada associations in different cities enhanced the reach and influence.

3. Membership Growth: Within a year, KKL’s membership grew, reflecting the growing enthusiasm within the community to support and be part of the organization.

4. Volunteers Group formation : It’s truly remarkable to acknowledge the dedication of 55 active volunteers as of today, who wholeheartedly contribute their support
to all KKL activities. Their selfless commitment is invaluable to the cause.

The KKL launch was not only a testament to the founders’ dedication but also the unwavering support their families provided during this crucial time. Their families stood by them, providing the encouragement and assistance needed to make KKL’s vision a reality.

Looking Forward

The journey of the KKL Non-Profit Association serves as an inspirational example of what a group of passionate individuals can achieve. In just 18 months, they transformed a dream nurtured at Hesper Park into a thriving community organization that impacts lives and preserves the Kannada culture.

As the association looks forward to the future, the possibilities seem limitless. With continued dedication and support, KKL is poised to become an even more influential force in the community, ensuring that the Kannada culture flourishes and that its people always have a strong and supportive platform to rely on.

Hesper Park witnessed the birth of a vision that has now turned into a beacon of hope and unity for Kannada speakers in Luxembourg. It’s a testament to the power of community and the magic that can happen when a group of enthusiasts in a smaller WhatsApp group come to make a positive change.

Writer : Manjunatha Prasad